
  1. Click on "Advanced Settings" in the left bar menu (should be at the bottom)

  2. On the menu located on the left side, click on "Configure", which will open another menu

  3. Click on "Translations" located in the inner menu

Adding Translation Text

On the right side of the page you will see a language select bar, choose your language

You should now be seeing the "Value" and "Translation" columns (these might already contain some values - make sure to not delete those):

On the left side (the "Value" column) you should enter the text as it appears on the app (case sensitive) - this will be the text that will be translated.

On the right side (the "Translation" column) you should enter the text that you wish to display instead. To add a line space between text, add \n. e.g. to write: "Hello, This is me." You should enter the following text: "Hello, \n This is me."

When you're done, click on the "Save Language" button.

Follow along for an example below.





Temporary Closed


Temporary Closed #2


Temporary Closed Mobile #1


Let’s get started


For immediate issues, please contact your store directly. For all other issues, please leave feedback and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days.


An extra mobile title under the business name

Welcome to

Welcome to (in mobile ONLY)

Changing text in the online ordering

Let's say that we want to change the text "Get your first reward today!" to "Signup to receive special rewards!"

What we need to do is add the text "Get your first reward today!" to the Value column on the translation page and add the text "Signup to receive special rewards!" to the Translation column. It should look like this:

Once you have set the translations, click on the "Save Language" button, you should be able to see an update in about 15-30 minutes.

Item not available at location

If a customer adds an item that is not available at that location (due to switching locations mid order, or through reordering), they will see they following error message:

You may want to change this text, in order to provide a more detailed explanation to your customer on why items are not available or how to proceed.

We have 2 fields in translation that can be added:

For time related issues (for example: item can only be ordered for lunch but a customer tries to place an order for dinner):

%%itemName%% is not available at this time

For all other issues (stock, menu change etc.):

%%itemName%% not available in location

You can copy the lines above and enter the text you would like to replace it with (see example below):

Note that you can also use the %%itemName%% in the translations:

A translation of : "%%itemName%% not available in location" to "We have moved %%itemName%% to a new menu" will give a translation where %%itemName%% is replaced with the missing item's name

Changing the title name

If you want to change the title name of the online platform, you can do so by entering:

{{business_name}} - Just Order

Please note that this will replace the entire name, so you should write for example: BIG FAT PIZZA - Just order now (see image below)

Last updated