Advanced Serving Option Settings

Reminder: To set up a delivery option to your store you will first have to enable the delivery dining option in the portal.

Setting Up Serving Options

Go to the Appfront portal to Configure -> Menu -> Setup.

Scroll to "Serving Options"

To add a new serving option click "+Add new serving option" and insert the name of the Serving option as it should show up in the App and click enter.

Important Serving Option parameters to know


Under "Type" choose the desired dining option type:

  • pickup - will show a bag icon / pizza takeaway box

  • sitdown - will show a table setting

  • delivery - will show a delivery vehicle

Display Name

The name that will show up on the App / Website

Name in POS

The name that will be printed out on the ticket (if this option is available on the POS type)


You can add a description to a serving option, which will be displayed beneath the serving option title:

Address for delivery

Should this serving option require the customer to enter their exact address for delivery (this is the indication in the app that this serving option is a delivery serving option)

Delayed Pickup

Override Prep Time's Time Frames

This can be done by using the following parameter within your location: delayedOrderInterval

For example: if the interval is 20, the order will be for: 10:00, 10:20, 10:40, etc.

Time Frames

The time frames this serving option is available for ordering, outside of these time frames the customer will not be able to create an order with the specified serving option.

Copy Prices From Serving Option

If you add the dining option after the menu has already been set up, make sure that when you create the new dining option you click the white box to the left of the "TimeFrames" and choose from a scroll down menu the menu that this menu will be a duplicate of. once you do that the menu that you had chosen will also serve as delivery menu.

Last updated