Customer Search

Examine Customer List and execute a simple or advanced search to review customer activity

Examine Customer List and execute a simple or advanced search to review customer activity

  • Advanced Search - Perform an advanced search to more accurately select customers. To proceed with search, select from the following features:

    • Top Visitors - Filter the number of Top Visitors you would like to view

    • Visit Hours - Time listed in Military Time (24 hour time)

    • Ordered Item - Search for Specific Item

    • Total Spending - Range of total spent by customer over their entire timeline

    • Purchased Sum - Range total spent from a customer’s individual purchase

    • Performed Action - [Picture of drop down menu]

  • Select a customer from the list. Their information is then displayed to the right of the customer list. Their name, Total Spending, Current Balance, Number of Visits, QR Code, and SMS Code are all listed. Additional actions include:

    • Block User - Block the user from making further transactions

    • Disable User - Use in cases where user changes phone numbers

    • Disable All Gifts - User is still able to order, but does not have access to gifts

    • Customer Tags - Tags are auto-generated from orders to assist in data analysis

    • Timeline Activity - Individual user timelines of purchase

  • Note: Blocked and Disabled items can be reversed if needed. Customer will not be notified of action taken.

Recovering login SMS

It is possible to retrieve the customer's SMS code via the portal. Once the customer will try to login, the SMS code will change. You will be required to reload the customer's profile in order to see the latest code.

Last updated