Dine In & Table number

You can use Appfront's platform to have a customer enter their table number, and bring the meal directly to their table, alleviating the need for a waiter.


In order to set up a dining option that will force a user to enter their table number you need to first mark "Ask for table code" in the setup section under Configure > Menu > Setup > Serving options:

Now, in the location settings, scroll down to "Dine in table code ranges" and enter the range which you want to enable a customer to select a table.

If you have more than one range you can enter them with commas, for example if you have 101-118 on the main floor, and 201-207 on the second floor, you can enter in that field:


Customer view

When a customer will select to dine in at that restaurant, they will have to enter the table number they are sitted at:

Printing on the receipt

The table number will be printed on the receipt:

Your URL template will consist of the following fields:

This is the URL template you'll need to use:


For each link, please change:




to the correct values

In order to set this up, you'll need to create a QR code for each table (using https://www.qrcode-monkey.com/)

For example, if we are building the qr code for Bierstadtlager, with the following values:

  1. YOUR.RESTAURANT.COM = bierstadtlager.appfront.ai

  2. LOCATION_ID = 5e77579e2f5d250e142de64a

  3. TABLE_CODE = 32

Switching these values will give us:


You will be able to see the online ordering / app open directly in the dine in menu, with the table already chosen

Last updated