Toast POS Setup

Before you launch, and even before you start testing, there are few set up configuration steps that you need to apply. This section will cover everything you need to set up.

Toast Account Set Up

Add Appfront to "Integrations List"

Choose Appfront under "Online Ordering":

Add Appfront:

Add Appfront to your list.

Invite Appfront Support

Add Appfront Support user to your Employees list with the credentials below.

Under Employees (in the left bar menu):

Click on Employees and then on "Add New Employee". Enter the following parameters:

Invite to create account: Yes First name: Appfront Last name: Support Email address: Jobs: Owner

When done, click on 'Add', and mail that the account was added.

Save and publish the changes.

Multi Locations (Master Menu) - Group Level Access

If you are using the master menu feature, or have several locations there are under the same group, we'll also require access in the group level.

To do so, after adding the user as an employee, please follow the instructions below:

  1. In the "Employees" screen, please look for the Appfront user and edit the employee (click on the pencil sign on the right side)

  2. In the "Jobs and permissions" tab, scroll down to the "Permissions" section; in the dropdown menu under it, you will be able to see all of your location, and also your locations' group name.

  3. Click on the group in the drop down menu and make sure to provide with the permissions as seen in the images below:

2. Delivery Access

3. Manager:

4. Restaurant Admin

5. Quick Edit Access

6. Web Access

7. Device Setup

8. Account Admin

Save and publish the changes.

Preset Parameters

There are a few presets that are a part of Appfront's set up. These parameters have been set up as part of the integration with Toast, and removing them might cause orders to fail.

The parameters look like this:

Please do not change any of them without consulting with our Support or Integrations Team!

In order for the changes in the Toast menu to take place, a configuration publish must be done. This can be done by clicking on 'Publish Config':

And then click on Publish Changes:

What fields are synced?

Pricing, menu items, description and photos.

Another method to publish - is after saving changes in the fields above. For example: if we change a menu item's name, we have the option to save. After clicking Save - we can click on Publish:

Visibile To = Toast

In order to display the menu items in the Appfront platform (app, online ordering, etc), you should enable the item for online ordering on Toast's back office. Go to "Advanced Properties", in the Show\Hide drop-down menu on the right side of the screen, choose 'Visible To'. Each menu category or item you would like to sync with Appfront must be visible to 'Toast'. If you want us to pull menus associated with different visibility options, such as Partners, please update Support or Integrations team.

Watch this VIDEO

Send Appfront the Menu sections you would like to sync

Item Pricing Strategy

Appfront can import prices using the following strategies only:

  • Base Price

  • Size Price

  • Menu Specific Price

  • Location Specific Price

If you select a "Time Specific Price" or an "Open Price", Toast will export these prices to Appfront as $0 - meaning - these items will be free in the online app.

What you can do if you'd like to offer items in the restaurant with a time-specific price, is to mark them as POS only (so they will not be displayed in the app), and create a duplicate with a "Base Price" with the regular price.

Translation Service

Sometimes you would like to show one thing for the servers and employees and a different text to the customer on the online ordering platform. This is exactly what this feature is about. Appfront can add a translation procedure to the menu sync to map between in-store and eCommerce texts.

Download this spreadsheet and fill it with the relevant terms:

Auto Fire - Orders Don't Print

In case you see orders are coming through to Toast, but not printing, it means that auto-fire is not enabled.

Can I change the Fields' Order?

In case you want to change the order it's presented on the customer's end, the ONLY thing you should do is change the order in Toast. Our Auto-Menu-Sync process takes the order of appearance from the POS directly.

*Want to push the Cheese topping before the Onion topping? No problem, change the order on the POS side and you will see the update by the following day.

Toast Reporting

How to pull Appfront Orders

On your Toast Portal:

  1. Go to "Reports / Sales"

  2. Under "Views" - Choose "MORE".

  3. Mark "Source"

  4. On the new "Source" drop-down, choose "API"

See below:

Server choice and labor reports

Toast's default is to assign incoming orders to the most recent server to connect to the Toast tablet in the restaurant.

We encourage you to create a new server, called "Online Orders" for example, that we will assign all online orders to. This will also help you manage tips, as all tips coming from online ordering will be assigned to that server, and you can distribute it between your employees as you wish.

You can also create a special server per dining option (eg. "online deliveries", "online pickups" etc.), and we will map accordingly.

Once you've created the server(s), send to the name of the server, and, if you want to specify per dining option - and our support team will take care of the rest.


Ticket Print Twice

Make sure the Auto-Fire is opened ONLY on one device

The Autofire can NOT be turned on more than one device (Toast limitation)

Back Office Set up:

1. Go to your account on 2. Scroll down to Other Setup 3. Select Takeout/Delivery 4. Scroll down to Receipt Printing 5. Next to the Takeout/Delivery Printer, hit the dropdown box and select "Print-On-Demand Only" This will make your receipts print on demand only manually.

Pizza Setup

In this guide, you will find the recommended pizza setup settings for optimized performance with the Toast Sync feature.

Size Groups

Please start with creating an item group for each Pizza size that you offer:

Within each group, please add an item for each pizza that you offer. Please make sure to include the size in the item's name, like this:


In order to connect the toppings, we will need 3 modifier groups: Whole Toppings, Left Toppings and Right Toppings:

For each pizza size, the modifier group should include the size in the prefix of the modifier group's name.

You can either set the modifier groups as global (for all of the items) or add them within each item (like the example above).

Then, add the modifiers with the size's prefix as well:

As for the halves, please mention whether the topping is Left or Right and then add the size for each modifier.

Follow the same structure for the Right side:

Last updated