Adding a Visit \ Points to a User

Adding a visit or money\points amount to a user who hasn't scanned

If a customer has not scanned his app while at the store, and you want to add a visit to his counter:

Click on "Advanced Settings" on the bottom left bar of the portal, and then go to "Customers"

Then you look up the customer via their e-mail or phone number - you'll find the customers card, with the Add a visit / Payment button at the bottom:

Once you open it a sub-menu will open up, allowing you to enter the details:

  • Location of visit (which branch)

  • Purchase amount

  • Purchase Identifier (usually a receipt number - this can be anything, e.g. 'test', '1', it doesn't matter)

  • Time of Visit (date)

Click on Add a Visit / Payment - in the Timeline Activity below, you'll see the order that was added. According to the points ratio that was set, the points will be added (e.g. if the points ratio is 1 point for every $1 spent, $50 would convert to 50 points)

Notice: Adding a visit to a user will not trigger Cashback, only add value for the next Cashback event. Cashback event is only triggered through an online order or scanning at the store.

Last updated