Tracking: Google Analytics, GTM, Facebook Pixel
The ability to follow and track your customers behaviour using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Ads is very important in order to follow and calculate conversion.
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The ability to follow and track your customers behaviour using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Ads is very important in order to follow and calculate conversion.
Last updated
In order to make you business visibility and increase your conversion rate!!! You MUST update your google Business Profile.
It's free. Just go to here:
With Appfront online ordering link
The ability to follow and track your customers behaviour using Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Ads is very important in order to follow and calculate conversion.
In our portal you can add the identifiers (pixels) from all of the 3rd parties and they will be integrated within the online ordering.
Go into Configure -> Applications and choose the Tracking tab
FB (Facebook) and IG (Instagram) are part of FB ads manager, i.e., same pixel to track both. You can connect multiple pixels if you'd like (great if you have different stores with multiple FB pages).
Before we start, and in order to track all events, we recommend to download the FB Pixel Helper extension for Chrome
Appfront platform track different types of events that will allow you to understand your ROI and track end to end from advertisement-> clicks -> view item -> add to bag -> purchase. Appfront report the the menu item information, pricing, and more. Use the FB helper to better understand all information.
Report how many people hit home page:
Report when someone view a specific menu item.
When a customer arrives to checkout page:
Transaction completed!
FB ads manager is something that they change very often. Please follow up the link below to learn more how to pull FB pixel.
Go into and get started creating a Facebook pixel
Select "Manually Install the Code Yourself"
And press ok until the pixel has been created. Be sure to select the events that interest you
When you click done you will be able to see the Tracking ID at the top of the screen
Go to Appfront tracking tab:
Copy that ID and paste it into the FACEBOOK box in our portal tracking tab and select the events that you would like to follow:
Go to in order to create a tag
In order to find your GA tracking ID: Go to And select the last option on the left menu : ADMIN
Create a new property, or use a property that was already defined in the account and select "Property Settings"
In the property settings you will find the Tracking Id:
And in the Appfront portal, you paste your Tracking Id under GA:
Appfront's platform is now integrated with the newest, latest version and standard of GTM. This makes the Appfront platform open for all e-commerce events that can be fired with GTM (i.e. - a very powerful marketing tool):
Link ANY pixel/event that you wish for (with no custom development)
Manage and control your marketing as a pro - directly from the GTM dashboard
Standard e-commerce events - Appfront supports all e-commerce events according to GTM's standard
If this is your first time, we recommend starting with the "Basic Terms" section first. If you're already a marketing PRO, you can feel free to skip directly to the "GTM Set Up" section.
Appfront currently supports the following e-commerce events for GTM:
Google Tag Manager (GTM by abbreviation) allows you to deploy and track marketing data as well as your users' online ordering activity by adding 'Tags' to your website's code.
Tags are basically HTML code snippets that are added to your website.
Generally speaking, Tags will either be an image in HTML formatting:<img src=">
which is a pixel.
Pixels were originally designed for when a browser does not allow JavaScript code, though, they are easier to configure (they do not require coding) and are more efficient.
Apart from Pixels, Tags can also be scripts that call a JavaScript code: (<script> ACTUAL_CODE_HERE </script>)
Tags are "fired" once a specific action or event is committed or, triggered.
As mentioned before, Tags fire in response to events. In Google Tag Manager, a trigger "listens" or "observes" your web page, looking for certain types of events like form submissions, button clicks, or page views.
The trigger fires the tag when the specified event is detected.
Variables are "placeholders" for dynamic values that are set as conditions for triggering or firing a tag.
Variables are like filters, that determine under which event a trigger will fire. For example, you can set a variable that determines that a trigger will fire only when the user reached a certain URL.
"Fire the tag when the URL contains /order/itemid=XXX".
As mentioned before, tags are injected into your website's code and are fired by specific triggers.
These triggers are triggered to fire the tag once specific events are detected.
These events could be, for example; selecting an item, adding an item to the cart, removing an item or completing a purchase.
You can then use this data according to your needs; tracking, analyzing and deploying additional marketing campaigns accordingly.
This guide is meant for Appfront related tags using GA4. For other tags please consult with us at
In order to integrate GA4 tags with Appfront, you are going to create the following Tags, Triggers and Data Layer Variables:
Please follow this guide step by step and only once you finished reviewing our "Before Hitting the Publish Button" section, consider this process completed.
Enter the "Tags" page
Click "New" to create a new tag
3. Click anywhere inside the "Triggering" section
4. Select "All Pages" - Page View trigger
5. Click anywhere inside the "Tag Configuration" section
6. Select "Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration"
7. Paste your "Measurement ID" here (follow the steps below to get your Measurement ID):
8. Once you have the Measurement ID in place and completed all previous steps, click "Save"
In case you have your Measurement ID already, skip the next 5 steps.
Open your Google Analytics dashboard
Open the "Admin" section
3. Select "Data Streams"
4. Click your website that you want to track
5. Copy the "Measurement ID"
Enter the "Tags" page
Click "New" to create a new tag
3. Click anywhere inside the "Triggering" section
4. Add a new trigger for each ecommerce event
5. Select the "Trigger Configuration" section, then select "Custom Event"
6. Set the name of the event, this should be one of the following for each event (each event will need a separate trigger):
7. Click "Save"
8. Click anywhere inside the "Tag Configuration" section
9. Select "Google Analytics: GA4 Event"
10. Configuration Tag = The configuration tag you created previously
11. Event Name = one of the following:
12. Click on "Event Parameters" -> "Add Row", then set the parameter name depending on the event (add a new row for each parameter):
Event Name
Parameter Names
items, transaction_id, affiliation, value, coupon, currency, shipping, tax
13. In order to set the value for each parameter, click here:
14. Create a "Data Layer Variable" for each parameter:
15. Set the Data Layer variable name according to the parameter (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
Ecommerce Transaction ID - ecommerce.transaction_id
Ecommerce Affiliation - ecommerce.affiliation
Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
Ecommerce Tax -
Ecommerce Shipping - ecommerce.shipping
Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
Ecommerce Coupon -
16. Save the Data Layer Variable
17. Select it from the variables list
18. Save your tag's configuration
Please make sure that you have created the following elements:
Once these are all confirmed, proceed and integrate your tag manager with Appfront, then you should be able to test by clicking the "Preview" button.
After you've configured your Pixel on GTM, you'll need to enter your container's identifier in Appfront's portal in order to complete the integration process. To do this, follow these steps:
Copy your GTM container's ID. This identifier appears at the top of your GTM dashboard page:
2. On your Appfront portal, navigate to Configure ↦ Applications ↦ Tracking, and scroll to the bottom of the page to reach the GTM and Google Ads section.
3. At the bottom of the page, you'll find a '(NEW) GTM' configuration window. Insert your container's ID that you copied in step 1 to the 'Tracking ID' field, and save your changes.
Before testing this functionality, please make sure that you've completed the tags' configuration and integrated your GTM with Appfront
Click the "Preview" button and complete a purchase order. In the end you're supposed to see the following result:
Under the variables tab, if you click the "purchase" event, you'll be able to see in full detail:
Once the test results return as expected, hit the "Publish" button, you should be able to see data from customers within 24 hours.
For general use, you may use the guides below as a reference.
Create a new GTM account at this link:
Under the 'Workspace' tab, you can begin configuring new Tags, Triggers, and Variables.
Usually, it's either a Pixel or a Custom HTML Tag. See below:
Click on the 'Tags' button, and then on 'New' to begin the setup process.
Click on 'Tag Configuration' and choose your tag type from the list. You can either choose a featured tag from Google's default tag list, or, configure a custom tag (customized Pixels or HTML Tags).
3. For example, if you'd like to configure a new Pixel - choose the 'Custom Image' option from the list and insert your Pixel's image URL to the 'Image URL' field. Don't forget to name your Pixel and save your changes.
The Appfront platform will "fire" the event to GTM any time someone visited your Appfront online ordering according to the customer's actions and order status (for example: checkout, view item, etc.)
Click on the 'Triggers' button, and then on 'New' to begin the setup process.
Click on 'Trigger Configuration' and choose your trigger type from the list. You can either choose one of the default triggers from the list, or, configure a trigger that includes specific user actions by clicking 'Custom Event'.
Appfront currently supports the following e-commerce events for GTM:
3. For example, if you'd like your Pixel to fire after every successful purchase event - choose the 'Custom Event' option from the list and insert 'purchase' to the 'Event Name' field. The same applies to any of the e-commerce events mentioned above.
Don't forget to name your trigger and save your changes.
Click on your newly created tag under the 'Tags' list, and then click on the 'Triggering' section.
Choose your trigger from the list and save the changes.
When someone is searching your brand name in Google, and instead of going to your site directly, and enjoy thee brand awareness you've worked so hard to create, and from the organic traffic that a customer search directly for you in Google (from all the businesses ini the world), all of the 3rd party delivery companies are HIJACKING to your Google business account, and are using SEO tricks, to still your traffic, and make you pay 30% of your order.
For example:
They are laterality stealing your traffic and making money on your back. They are doing it by using tricks of SEOs.
Luckily, lately Google understand that they are actually hurting small businesses and they started to offer a really easy opt out option. You just need to sign up here and fill up the form:
Go here:
Make sure you choose all providers:
Go to Appfront's back office and follow the steps. Once completed, go to Google my business and enable the service: